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First shipment of Sochi tea dispatched to Serbia

Matsesta tea factory concluded a contract for export supplies of the product with a distributor company.

The first shipment assortment includes 10 items of large whole-leaf tea and bagged black and green tea  Turshu`s of «Krasnodarsky» and «Matsesta tea» trademarks.

– The Serbians treat Russian products with great loyalty. That is the reason why they preserved the Russian inscriptions on the packaging. The bigger portion of the shipment represents souvenir products with photos of Sochi and Krasnodar. Furthermore, since residents of Serbia use herbal infusions on a daily basis, the tea with natural herbs was selected – as reported in the Ministry of Agriculture and processing industry of the region.

The products of Matsesta tea factory will be presented in large retain store networks Roda, Tempo, IDEA in the cities of Belgrad, Ruma, Titel, Sabaс, Obrenovaс, Smederovskaya Palanka, Velika Plana. Both parties intend to increase the supply volumes within the framework of this project.

Press-Service of the Administration of Krasnodar region