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Kuban producer of banana chips started exporting to China

LLC «Greenshire Group» started exporting their products to China. The company standing as a sole producer of banana chips in Russia shipped the first consignment of one tone as reported by TAAS. 

The contract was concluded following the international exhibition within the framework of the national project «Small and medium-sized entrepreneurship and support of individual entrepreneur initiatives».

«In 2019 GreenShire was an active participant of various exhibition events within the framework of the national project. During one of them at the end of 2019 the agreements on supplies were reached with China and the contract was concluded. The company carried out the first shipment to China, the consignment volume made around one tone, - told Roman Vorotnikov, manager of the regional Center for coordination of export support.

He added that for such products as chips this shipment volume is considered sizeable. The production of GreenShire is located in Kuban.