Competitive advantages

  • Fertile chernozem soils.
  • There are deposits of valuable minerals (clay).
  • High quality of land plots.
  • The district’s territory lies in a temperate climatic zone with a steppe climate.
  • The climate is formed under the influence of three types of air masses: Arctic, temperate, and tropical.
  • On average, there are 280 sunny days per year.
  • Attractive landscapes for tourists.
  • Transport accessibility of major cities like Krasnodar and Rostov-on-Don.
  • Major national transportation routes.
  • Belaya Glina district is one of the important regional producers and suppliers of agricultural products in the region.
  • Modern high-performance equipment
  • The potential for the development of animal husbandry.
  • The potential of investment development.
  • The local farming sector is continuously gaining more material and technical resources.
  • The potential of small business development.