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Revolutionizing innovation: Krasnodar’s success at HI-TECH Exhibition

The International Innovation Exhibition HI-TECH-2024 has come to an end in St Petersburg.

The competition for the Best Innovation Project and Best Scientific and Technical Development of the Year was held during the forum. Innovators from Kuban participated in the event and secured the top positions in the competition.

«The exhibition, taking place over two days, clearly displayed the public’s interest in the groundbreaking products of our innovators. All four projects that we have chosen stand out for their uniqueness, innovation, and substantial social and economic impact,» said Olga Lukasheva, Executive Director of the Krasnodar Territory Innovation Development Fund. 

Three projects from the Krasnodar Territory received first-degree diplomas at the Best Innovative Project and Best Scientific and Technical Development of the Year competitions. The Space of Intellectual Solutions company was recognized as the best in the category of «Innovative Project in the Healthcare Sector» for its EyeTech project.  The team created a hardware and software system to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosing eye-related conditions.

The project «Monitoring the cost of construction of highways and artificial structures» by OOO Ksoft LLC won the award for the Best Innovative Project in Advanced Digital Intelligent Production Technologies nomination. The company has collaborated with the Innovation Development Fund for over two years,  completing the accelerator program and actively engaging in training events, conferences, and forums. 

IP Scherbakov introduced the project «The system for washing building facades and windows using the DI/ROI water treatment method called KLINDO,» which won the award for the best innovative project in waste sorting, processing, high-temperature waste destruction, and water treatment. Yaroslav’s project is a groundbreaking mobile water treatment system designed for cleaning facades and windows of shopping centers. This system enables customers to save up to 70% on seasonal facade cleaning costs.

The Krasnodar Territory Innovation Development Fund organizes participation in the exhibition with the support of the regional Department of Business Development and Foreign Economic Activity.